Written on 12:38 PM by FreshelStar
Stop Global Warming | Save Our Planet| Striking Campaign Ads
Nowadays, our planet seems very exhausted because human beings dig out its natural resources more than enough and destroy its green nature and wildlife. The planet tries to recover itself yet too much of destroying the mother earth offer us a climate crisis bringing global warming, natural disasters, environmental crisis, wild life crisis, water and food shortages, loss of habitats, etc. There is no planet B and if we do not save this planet, it will be too late for us to survive peacefully.
More. Check out global warming fast facts.
Photos: Collections from different campaigns; Fwmail
credit to original artist of illustrations.
Posted in
danger of global warming,
global warming campaign ads,
save mother earth planet,
take actions of global warming
Written on 5:19 PM by FreshelStar
Credit to Original Photographer
Posted in
amazing nature photo,
amazing photos,
cool picture for wallpaper,
nature wonder picture,
wallpaper photos
Written on 3:06 PM by FreshelStar
Soap Flakes | More Eco Lifestyle
If you like eco lifestyle, you should check this out.
Do you remember the slippery feeling experience when we use a soap? So that using liquid soap seems to be more popular. Using liquid soap produces much more waste of water then using a block soap because a block soap is much more concentrated.
Nathalie Staempfli has designed two dispensers that can make little flakes from a block soap.It has two version that one is to be attached to the wall and another is a grater that can stand by itself.
It's a good idea that there is more ecological benefits in lifestyles. Check this out!
Posted in
eco lifestye,
soap flakes dispenser